Dikembe Mutombo 55 Denver Nuggets 1991-92 Mitchell and Ness Swingman Road dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €
Na zalogi
Kataloška številka
Najnižja cena v zadnjih 30 dnevih: 74,97 €
Brezplačna dostava pri nakupu nad 100,00 EUR
- Dostava že od 4,50 €
- Odpremimo isti dan ob naročilu do 13.00
- mrežasta tkanina, številke in napisi so s posebno tehniko natisnjeni spredaj in na hrbtu
- poseben našitek Mitchell & Ness HWC Swingman z napisom igralca in letnico
Sestava: 100% poliester mrežica
Licenčni originalni izdelek
Sorodni izdelki

Allen Iverson 3 Denver Nuggets 2006-07 Mitchell and Ness Swingman dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Carmelo Anthony 15 Denver Nuggets 2006-07 Mitchell and Ness Swingman Alternate dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Dikembe Mutombo Denver Nuggets 1991-92 Mitchell & Ness Reload 2.0 Swingman dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Carmelo Anthony 15 Denver Nuggets 2003-04 Mitchell & Ness Swingman Road dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Nikola Jokić 15 All-Star World 2016 Mitchell and Ness Swingman dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Dikembe Mutombo 55 Denver Nuggets 1991-92 Mitchell and Ness Swingman Asian Heritage dres 5.0
111,96 € Redna cena 139,95 €

Nikola Jokić 15 Denver Nuggets 2016-17 Mitchell and Ness Swingman Road dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Allen Iverson 3 Denver Nuggets 2006-07 Mitchell and Ness Swingman dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Carmelo Anthony 15 Denver Nuggets 2006-07 Mitchell and Ness Swingman Alternate dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Dikembe Mutombo Denver Nuggets 1991-92 Mitchell & Ness Reload 2.0 Swingman dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Carmelo Anthony 15 Denver Nuggets 2003-04 Mitchell & Ness Swingman Road dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Nikola Jokić 15 All-Star World 2016 Mitchell and Ness Swingman dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Dikembe Mutombo 55 Denver Nuggets 1991-92 Mitchell and Ness Swingman Asian Heritage dres 5.0
111,96 € Redna cena 139,95 €

Nikola Jokić 15 Denver Nuggets 2016-17 Mitchell and Ness Swingman Road dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Allen Iverson 3 Denver Nuggets 2006-07 Mitchell and Ness Swingman dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Carmelo Anthony 15 Denver Nuggets 2006-07 Mitchell and Ness Swingman Alternate dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Dikembe Mutombo Denver Nuggets 1991-92 Mitchell & Ness Reload 2.0 Swingman dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Carmelo Anthony 15 Denver Nuggets 2003-04 Mitchell & Ness Swingman Road dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €
Našli smo druge izdelke, ki vam bodo všeč

Nikola Jokić 15 All-Star World 2016 Mitchell and Ness Swingman dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Dikembe Mutombo 55 Denver Nuggets 1991-92 Mitchell and Ness Swingman Asian Heritage dres 5.0
111,96 € Redna cena 139,95 €

Nikola Jokić 15 All-Star World 2016 Mitchell and Ness Swingman dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Dikembe Mutombo 55 Denver Nuggets 1991-92 Mitchell and Ness Swingman Asian Heritage dres 5.0
111,96 € Redna cena 139,95 €

Nikola Jokić 15 All-Star World 2016 Mitchell and Ness Swingman dres
99,96 € Redna cena 124,95 €

Dikembe Mutombo 55 Denver Nuggets 1991-92 Mitchell and Ness Swingman Asian Heritage dres 5.0
111,96 € Redna cena 139,95 €
Znamka | Mitchell and Ness |
Spol | Moški |
Šport | Košarka |
Liga | NBA |
Ekipa | Denver Nuggets |
Igralec | Dikembe Mutombo |